How Long Do The Results of Teeth Whitening Last?

Teeth WhiteningDo you wish you had whiter teeth? Most people do. Whitening one's teeth is quite the popular process these days, which is due to the fact that there are so many whitening options currently available. It is definitely a good idea for you to look into all of your available teeth whitening options, as this allows you to understand which of the many options will work best for you.

Do your teeth need a little whitening? No problem at all. Call Edward A. Owens DMD now to find out more information about how you can get your teeth whitened in only one office visit!

Top teeth whitening choices

The majority of people have some form of tooth discoloration. Because there are many degrees when it comes to the color of one's teeth, it is important for everyone who wants whiter teeth to know which tooth color is going to be the right shade for their teeth.

While most people have it in their mind that they want their teeth to be bright white, this may not be their natural tooth color, making for an unnatural look. Thus, it is always best to find a dental professional who specializes in whitening their patient's teeth, as they are able to bring out the patient's natural tooth-color for a more natural-looking smile.

A dental professional is the best choice for those who are looking for a natural bright smile.

How long do teeth whitening results last?

That depends on the whitening treatment chosen. If someone chooses to use a dental procedure to professionally whiten their teeth they can expect the results to last anywhere between two and three years. People, who take proper care of their teeth and avoid the common causes of tooth discoloration, like smoking and drinking coffee, are the ones who experience the longest-lasting results.

Other over the counter tooth whitening options:

  • Toothpaste. Whitens teeth up to one shade. Results last about one month.
  • Strips. Whitens teeth up to two shades. Results can last up to two months.
  • OTC Trays. Whitens teeth up to three shades. Results last about one month.

Ready for whiter teeth?

Are you ready to get your teeth whitened? The teeth whitening process is one that is now easier than ever. The entire process can be done in only one visit to the dental office and the results are much better and last much longer than any other tooth whitening option available over the counter or done at home. If you feel you might be too busy because you work full time, just let us know at (757) 414-6192 and we will do our best to accommodate you. We completely understand how busy people are nowadays. For that reason, we try to offer convenient appointment times so that they are still able to make it to the dentist for any necessary dental work.

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