What Your Dentist May Ask at Your Next Dental Exam

Dental Exam Babylon, NY

Dentists typically ask a series of questions during a dental exam to gather more information about the patient’s oral health, previous dental history, and goals. This helps the dentist provide sound advice and allows them, along with the patient, to put together a long-term treatment and prevention plan.

Dental exam: questions your dentist may ask

The questions you are asked during a dental exam may vary based on your specific situation. However, it is likely you will be asked about any concerns you are having with your oral health, your oral care regimen, and your treatment goals during your next dental exam.

What is your reason for a visit?

A good dentist personalizes the services they provide for each patient. To best ensure the patient is able to reach their goals, the dentist may begin by simply asking the patient what brings them into the dental office. Of course, for a dental exam, the patient may simply need a routinely scheduled check-up to ensure there are no oral health concerns. However, if there are additional goals or concerns, then this is a great time to discuss them.

Have you experienced any concerns with your oral health?

The primary goal of a dental exam is to determine the status of the patient’s oral health. Before the exam, the dentist may ask if you are experiencing any issues, such as tooth pain or sensitivity. This information can help them check a specific tooth or area of the mouth more thoroughly to ensure they do not miss anything.

When was the last time you have been to the dentist?

The dentist may also recommend dental cleaning if it has been a while since your last dental exam. Even with a consistent oral care routine, plaque and tartar can still accumulate over enough time, and a dental cleaning may be needed if it has been more than six months since the patient’s last cleaning visit.

What is your daily oral care regimen?

A good oral care regimen can help you protect your smile in between dental exam visits. The dentist may ask about your current oral care regimen and discuss possible ways to improve or remain consistent with brushing, flossing, and other aspects of daily oral care.

Are there any cosmetic goals that you have?

Last but not least, most dentists assist with the cosmetic needs of patients as well as address functional and oral health concerns. The dentist may ask if there are any imperfections that you would like to address, such as improving the shade of teeth with in-office teeth whitening.

Protect your oral health with a dental exam and cleaning

A dental exam and cleaning from our dental practice include a comprehensive exam and a dental cleaning to help protect your smile. Our team takes genuine pride in helping our patients feel comfortable and in control of their visit, and we are here to help you reach the goals you have for your oral health. Call us today to schedule a visit.

Are you considering a dental exam in the Babylon area? Get more information at https://babylonsmiles.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Cleaning and Examinations in Babylon, NY.

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